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Home Dental Services Preventive Dentistry

Preventive Dentistry

Woman brushing her teeth at the bathroom mirror in Escondido, CAAt Robert J. Malone DDS, we pride ourselves on treating every member of the family. Family dentistry is focused on preventing potential complications, rather than treating them. If you and your family are in need of professional dental services, we can help!

Dental Cleaning

At home, it can be difficult to completely prevent plaque from building up, even when you brush twice a day. We can help remove the plaque from building up through a cleaning. Routine cleanings are the most common and basic forms of cleaning, and they happen to all patients, but there are other types of cleanings if there are further complications in the mouth.

Dental Exam

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends a routine check-up up roughly twice a year. Dental exams are a way for us to check-up on your oral health and ensure no complications have emerged since your last visit. A routine appointment with Dr. Robert Malone will typically include a professional cleaning and a detailed examination of your teeth, gums, and other oral tissues.

Oral Cancer Screenings

Oral cancer screenings are an effective way for our dentists to detect any underlying signs of oral cancer. We can be used as a precautionary measure, to ensure no issues have arisen unknowingly. An oral cancer screening is a remarkably simple procedure that can take less than two minutes. The screening involves a visual inspection of the oral cavity, cheeks, chin, nostrils, and lips.

Dentistry for Women

Just as women have unique needs when it comes to medical care, they require dental care that considers their specific concerns. Dr. Malone is well-versed in looking after women's oral health with a treatment approach that will suit you and your stage of life.

Dentistry for Kids

Professional dental care is a crucial part of your child's oral health. Be sure to schedule your child's first appointment by the time their first teeth erupt, or before their first birthday. Scheduling regular appointments allows us to monitor the development of their oral health. Developmental problems are easier to treat in the beginning stages. As your child grows older, we can establish a strong foundation for their oral health, one that will ensure a lifetime of healthy, beautiful teeth.

Periodontal Care

Your periodontal (gum) tissues are just as important as your teeth. Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in the United States. Periodontal disease is the result of an infection in the gum tissues, connective ligaments, and eventually the alveolar bone. Luckily, periodontal disease is easy to prevent and treat if it is caught early enough. If we notice signs of advanced periodontal disease, we may recommend a scaling and root planing procedure.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal maintenance is a form of cleaning that is more comprehensive than the routine cleanings, that you may be familiar with from your bi-yearly check-ups. This form of cleaning removes bacteria from below the gumline, in pockets that develop via periodontitis, and underneath the gums.


If you participate in physical activities that put you at risk for dental trauma or injury, we strongly recommend a sports guard. A sports guard is a plastic covering that protects the teeth from injury and trauma. A mouthguard will protect your teeth and prevent dental emergencies.


Mouthguards are not only used when playing sports, they can also be used at night to alleviate bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding. Teeth grinding at night can upset a person's sleep schedule and cause them jaw and teeth pain. In the long term, it can do damage to teeth, as they continually are ground down.

Sleep Apnea

Often mistaken for persistent snoring, sleep apnea can be a serious condition that upsets a person's sleep, meaning they cannot have a proper night's rest. It is defined by the consistent stopping and starting of a person's breathing during the night.

Oral Appliance Therapy

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, you may benefit from an oral appliance. An oral appliance will keep your jaw in the proper position during sleep. This opens your airway and improves your breathing during sleep. With an oral appliance, you may find yourself feeling more well-rested, alert and happy, thanks to a full night's sleep.

Schedule an Appointment

To learn more about our family dentistry services call (760) 546-5557, and schedule an appointment now!

Get in Touch!

(760) 546-5557


910 E. Ohio Ave #203
Escondido, CA 92025

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Preventive Dentistry Escondido, CA • Robert J. Malone, DDS
At Robert J. Malone DDS, we are excited and proud to offer the very best dental services in Escondido. If you have questions or need services, call our office now!
Robert J. Malone DDS, 910 E. Ohio Ave #203, Escondido, CA 92025 ^ (760) 546-5557 ^ ^ 9/12/2024 ^ Key Phrases: Dentist Escondido CA ^